International Consultation on Sexual Medicine (ICSM)


Committee List

Click on a committee name to see the committee members.

1. Definitions, Classification and Epidemiology of Sexual Dysfunction

2. The Physiology and Pathophysiology of Men’s Sexual Desire, Arousal and Penile Erection

3. Psychiatric Disorders, Psychopharmacology, and Sexual Dysfunction

4. Ethical, Socio-Cultural and Economic Aspects of Sexual Medicine

5. Qualitative Research, Educational Needs and Platforms

6. Sexual function in Chronic Illness and Cancer: Perspectives of the Patient, Partner and Healthcare Provider

7. Basic Science and Translational Research

8. Neurological Disorders and Sexual Dysfunction

9. Disorders of Orgasm and Ejaculation in Men

10. Male Hypogonadism and Testosterone Deficiency

11. Sexual dysfunction in the LGBTQIA2+ Community, Including Before and After Transgender Surgery

12. Aging, Sexual Health and Sexual Dysfunction in the Geriatric Population

13. Infection, Inflammation and Sexual Function in Male and Female Patients

14. Clinical Evaluation and Treatment of HSDD in Pre-, Peri- and Postmenopausal Women

15. Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

16. Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder/Genito-Pelvic Dysesthesia (PGAD/GPD)

17. Sexual Dysfunction in Patients with Infertility (male)

18. Sexual Dysfunction in BPH/LUTS

19. Psychological and Interpersonal Dimensions of Sexual Function and Dysfunction: A Functional and Pragmatic Approach for the Clinician

20. Sexual Rehabilitation after Treatment for Prostate Cancer. What’s New and What is the Evolving Evidence

21. Peyronie's Disease, Male Genitalia Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery

22. Priapism

23. Implants and Mechanical Devices for Erectile Dysfunction

24. New Regenerative Interventions and Treatment Targets in Sexual Medicine

Zaanweg 119A
1521 DS Wormerveer
+31 (0)75-647 63 72

A Joint Program of The
